How to join

First, download and fill out the Proposed Mayflower Lineage Form (PML) attached to the Quick Start Guide at no charge and email it to Be sure to include all your contact information as this form will be used to create your application. The State Historian or a State Co-Historian will review the PML and inform you if the lineage appears to be valid for at least the first five generations.

How Much does it Cost

There are two application fees. The first application fee you will be required to pay is $40.00 made payable to FSMD (Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Florida). This fee is given to a State Co-Historian or State Historian after a Mayflower line(s) have been determined, but before an official application can begin. The fee is non-refundable and is valid for 24-months.

The second application fee you will be required to pay is $150.00* — also made payable to FSMD. It is due at the time your application goes to GSMD (The General Society of Mayflower Descendants) for verification/approval and is a non-refundable fee. Upon acceptance by both FSMD and GSMD, you will be required to pay $54.00 dues to the Colony in which you are now a member.

*Fee reflects the current rate which is subject to change by the General Society.

How to Document?

Gather documentation for every generation from yourself through generation five. The Mayflower Society will supply information from the Mayflower Pilgrim through generation five. Applications are submitted digitally, so high-resolution digital images are best. See the Florida Society of Mayflower Descendants Guidelines for more information.

NOTE: The Mayflower Society requires government-issued births, marriages and any death certificates for the last three generations: you, your parents, and your grandparents. This includes all multiple spouses to ensure accuracy of lineages for future generations! If you use popular genealogy websites, make sure that you “download” the actual document. DO NOT take cell phone pictures of your computer screen! DO NOT highlight, underline, or truncate document images! Make sure you completely unfold documents before scanning to avoid distortion.


Membership in the Florida Society of Mayflower Descendants includes membership in the General Society of Mayflower Descendants, subscription to The Mayflower Quarterly magazine, and preserves your family heritage for future generations. You will also be able to learn more about our Pilgrim ancestors, to meet and mingle with distant cousins, and to share your family’s story.

Florida Application Guidelines

The Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Florida has prepared an application procedures guide for persons interested in seeking membership. REQUIRED READING FOR ALL APPLICANTS.